
Friday, June 11, 2004

Finances: External Perspective

Never underestimate the value of an external perspective.

The first car I bought - a ’76 Gemini, leaked so much that there would be puddles on the floor. An RAC vehicle inspection would have saved the heart-ache.

Live and Learn. Older and Wiser. A bit, but not much...

We’ve just built a house through a large reputable builder that we thought we could trust to do the right thing.

We thought we could get by ourselves...But Big Mistake.

Eight weeks after handover, we have had three extensive floods and its still not rectified. Last weekend, our son’s bedroom was covered in an inch of water and this is only part of the problem.

We’ve now paid the price and brought in an independent building inspector. He has reported a large number of defects throughout the house not only with roofing and plumbing (even after repairs) but also things we would have never thought of ―such as failing to paint the tops and bottoms of doors to wet areas!.

It will get fixed but it would have been a lot easier if we paid the money sooner instead of relying on our own savoir-faire.

Lesson Learned: If making a big decision such as spending more than a week’s wages on anything ―always get independent advice.

‘Without counsel our plans go awry,
But in the multitude of counselors they are established’
-Proverbs 15:22


  • My heart sinks for you. It must be so dissapointing moving into your new home only to have so much go wrong.

    I hope the builders do more than just a quick patch up job for you.

    By Blogger Rodney Olsen, at 6/11/2004 10:40 am  

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