
Thursday, July 08, 2004

Marraige: Appreciation

"Try praising your wife, even if it does frighten her at first."
-Author: Billy Sunday

I've made some dumb decsions in my life; but fortunatley I was either wise or lucky in choosing my wife.
I'd only been a committed Christian for a month or so when we met, and we became friends for quite some time before we even started going out together.
My wife comes from a long lineage of committed Christian women, me from a nominally Christian home. I also had some pretty "messed-up" attitudes towards women in general and wasn't big on the "trust" thing. God has used her to change that entirely.
But I've learned that while there are potential many compatible partners out there, ultimately if we are open to God's plan I believe as in the case of Isaac and Rebecca God has it all worked out.
I hope that I can instil in my boys three things:
1) Trust God for your wife
2) Use Proverbs 31 as a 'checklist' for potential suitors
3) Marry a woman who is your best friend.


  • Hi Lance,

    Just noticed your comments. Is this what has happened to you?

    I notice you still havent taken me up on my offer to meet - say for coffee.

    You never know - I might turn out to be an Ok guy and I believe we have some mutual acquaintences.

    I'll keep an eye on my inbox...


    By Blogger Lionfish, at 7/14/2004 4:30 pm  

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