
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

More God Stuff: Thirst

I never thought that I would write so much spiritual stuff on this blog - but guess thats the way it goes.

I jumped on the Bus yeterday morning on the way to work.. . and bus time is MY time. Being terribly self absorbed - Like Shrek "I need my space".

On the bus I saw my ex-next door neighbour who by the way is a really extroverted friendly and chatty woman, and of course selfishly I just wanted to find a shell and crawl under it.

Anyway, the thought occurred to me that I am 'obliged' to talk. (Hmmm sometimes I question my own behaviour).

However it wasn't long before our conversation turned to spiritual things. She told me she is involved in "New Age" and gets surrpunded by energy and immersed in 'white light'. I tactfully warned her (yes at times I can be tactful) that the Bible says that even Satan comes as an angel of light etc. and also told her about Jesus being truly God and truly man, dying for sin etc.

Obvioulsy she became uncomfortable with the fact that I told her what she is into may not be all  good for her and kept trying to find similarities between what we believed. She then pulled a book she has just finished from her bag asked me to read it - (I think more for audit and reassurance that I could come back and say it is OK).

Now I have another book on my pile entitled "Anatomy of the Spirit" and some more research to do.

It is so apparent that there are so many people out there thirsting and in need of answers.





  • What scares me most is the battleground for children. I just wish that I could find some books or movies that will drive kids crazy and mad about God. kids are so into Harry Potter these days, but where's our "Moses' rod" now that will kill the Egyptian's snake?

    By Blogger Susan, at 7/29/2004 6:19 pm  

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