Sunday Take-away
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ".
-1 Cor 10
"Our thoughts are like a train - they will take us on a journey culminating in a specific destination. We must take them captive".`
Its always troubled me how theolgians can be so learned but move so far away from the Truth (Spong, Thieling, etc) - especially those in mainline Church - and cults.
Maybe the temptation to "eat from the tree of knowledge" is still alive and well. Like the Gnostics who falsely believe salvation is attainable by 'knowledge' to the few who 'understand' (as opposed to faith) - maybe these people surcumb to a form of temptation which sells out absolute Truth for the deception all truth being relative (mystisicm). The real motivation being 'pride' or 'power' .
Maybe the key to combining higher theological understanding whilst remaining in Truth is contained within this scripture. Learning in humilty, guarding our thoughts against temptation and contrasting thoughts against what the scriptures reveal of Christ.
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