Creation: Flowers, Thorns and Eden
A great Spring Saturday. After 6yo's swimming spent the day in the garden - weeding. My wife is a fantastic gardener - a natural green thumb, and we are emabraking on creating the garden for our house from scratch.
I came across a quote yesterday at work:
There are flowers everywhere, for those bothered to look"
-Henri Matisse
At ther risk of sounding a little strange for a guy - I have to say I really, really like flowers. Not because they seem to get me out of trouble with Mrs Lionfish for coming home a little late or forgetting to leave the car keys behind in my absence of mind. And I personally would not like to recieve them as a gift (a bottle of wine always does the trick, thankyou) - but I really think that they stand out as a signpost pointing to a Creator that posseses a Beautiful mind.
Wildflowers are my favourites. I remember making daisy chains with my natural mother when I was young. I now love the purple and white african daisies (deemed a weed in many states) that flower along the coastline during spring and then after summer.
Flowers often represent beauty, and love. Maybe they represent hope in the midst of harsh world.
Take the Rose - traditionally deemed the most beautiful of flowers - but it grows on the most thorny of stems. They say "a Rose would not be a Rose without its thorns". The Bible indicates that thorns are a post fall occurrence...
Ironically, Roses are the centre pieces of many gardens...I'm just thinking aloud, before bed and my thoughts meander but ...I wonder if consequently there were Roses in the Garden of Eden. And if there were - would they have possessed thorns and therefore be considered as beautiful as they are in this the fallen world.
We give Flowers are a Gifts. Maybe flowers are Gods gift purposely designed for a post-fall world symbolising of Love, Beauty and Hope ...amongst other things.
And will there be Roses in Heaven? Will they have thorns? Will they be considered as beautiful...will they need to be?
Bed Time...
Sea daisy - taken today...I'm not yet ready for a photograhp job with National Geographic - I know.
You quoted Henri Matisse - "There are flowers everywhere, for those bothered to look"
My garden certainly has some beautiful flowers, but the quote for us may well be - "There are weeds everywhere, and you need not bother to look too hard"
By Rodney Olsen, at 9/19/2004 7:25 am
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