Politics: Terrorsim It Doesnt Get Worse Than This
Ive just been looking at the photo's of the terrorist attack in the school in Russia. I keep thinking that our current response options are not going to work.
Around the world Terrorists are only getting more desperate and their targets are only getting softer. A target doesn't get any softer than a school. There is no excuse for hostage taking, blackmail and slaying of children. It has hit Russia hard. Sting now has his answer. The Russians do in fact love their children too.
But what is the answer to terrorism?
- Negotiating and succumbing to terrorism does not work. Naturally it will only encourage terrorists.
- Fighting terrorism with force appears not to be working. Naturally it only enflames the situation and spreads it to softer targets.
Maybe as Yancey stated the answer may only lie in a supernatural act - "Grace".
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