
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

One Perfect Day...

I often wrestle with my faith and am envious of those who just seem to get on with things. Ashamedly, there are times when I envy friends who remain ignorant of the spiritual things. whose life perhaps is lived with abandon.

Save for today. It was one of those few days that for no reason bar the weather being perfect that you find yourself on a soporific high. You comprehend that life is a gift and you’re firm in your faith. Today was a foretaste of an endless summer.

Driving to work in the sunshine. Playing obscure tracks like ‘Theo and Weird Henry’ from John Mellancamp’s ‘Big Daddy’ set – loud and on repeat. Listening intently to the guitars, the cow bells, violins and harmonies of his backing singers….Absorbing meaning from the inspired and gritty lyrics of a recalcitrant rocker who may well have a “Davidesque” relationship with God —and a veiled but deep comprehension of God’s grace.

Then picturing the Pharisee and the Tax-collector in my minds eye to blow away feelings of doubt about my security in God.

Home early to take my 6 month old to the beach. Watching the wonder on his face as he watches the gulls for perhaps the first time. Then the feeling as my 6 year old unexpectedly hugs me from behind and says without restraint - “I love you Daddy”.

Abba Father. It all falls into place.

Sunset -Spring-04 Posted by Hello


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