
Wednesday, December 15, 2004

On Encouragement

Encouagement: n 1: the expression of approval and support 2: the act of giving hope or support to someone [syn: boost] 3: the feeling of being encouraged

I consider myself fortunate.

Purely because people have invested themsleves voluntarily into my life. Many people, in many ways who have given me the confidence to stretch into areas that I never thought possible. People who have helped fill the gap, between what I was and what I now am.

Recently I was given a bonus of some value, to celebrate a success. But the words in the card were worth far more than the unexpected gift inside. An astute man, encourged not only myself, but also my wife for the supporting role that she played in helping me to achieve what I needed to achieve.

The card read "Champions. You are both great people who we respect greatly. I am also so pleased that I selected you to work (with me). You are an asset to me and someone that I can totally depend on. Nothing is impossible for you...You have a great future".

I don't write this a s a boast. Rather, to capture a momment that has now become part of my very being, my DNA, and my confidence in what God has designed me to be.

The card that contains this message, is kept with some other letters of encouragement together with my Bible, for those times that I need hope most.

Please NEVER, EVER hesitate to write someone a note of encouragement, or to "pay hope forward" so to speak - even if you never see the impact that the Hope, or the warmth you give may bring into their lives.


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