Reading: "Anatomy of The Spirit" - Initial Impresion
Interesting that this book's first sentence starts with "...after ending my career as a newsaper journalist and obtaining a Masters degree in theology..." Hmmm, even this level of Biblical education does not stop one writing about books that combine Hindu, Christian and Kabbalah beliefs (and others) into one compatible teaching...
Also next page just noticed : "Having grown up Catholic and studied theology, I was keenly aware that tanspersonal abilities lead one inevitably to the Monastery - or the madhouse..."
Funnily, its on my heart to do some deeper theological studies - but have always been worried that my core beliefs my change when subjected to philosphies such as 'higher criticism' - I never want to end up like Bishop Spong or Barbara Thieling...Is "anatomy of the spirit" a product of 'higher learning'?
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