Johari Window and Ungrace
OK 10 more minutes - time for one more post...
The Johari Window is a term used by Organisational Psychologists to refer to things to things that people know about you (or see) that you are not aware of yourself.
Oneday you wake up and realise that something about you needs to change. Other people knew it, God knew it, but you didn't.
For me, I've learned lots about the concept of Grace. And conversely Ungrace. And I've also become pretty good at spotting 'Ungrace' in others.
But I have begun to see it pretty clearly now. The Ungrace of Me.
I love the concept of Dignity.
People I admire are Dignified. Kofi Anan has Dignity. My wife's Grandfather embodied statesman like Dignity.
Like the chromosomes that make up the double helix of the human gene, Dignity and Grace are intimately coupled.
I now realise that Dignity will never be part of my DNA until I first deal with 'Ungrace'.
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