7:38 PM - Filler Blog...
Its Thursday night.
US Election over. Melbourne Cup Complete. Australian Idol on TV.
This week, Hayley my favourite of the girls in the competition has left - leaving gracefully at that. (She sang Eva Cassidy and Sarah McLachlan). My favourite overall is Anthony. My bet is he will win on the strength of "The Prayer" alone - and the song will hit #1 on the charts - in Australia at the very least.
Ran through Queens Gardens at lunchtime which is in the oppositte direction to which we usually run - along the forseshore to the Old Brewery. Its amazing what a few endorphins rushing through your body can do to clear your mind.
I've got dozen or so white papers to read as we start up this project for work - and have to get refocused. All about things I do not yet understand. Also gardening...
I also want to draw some boundaries around how we 'live' the weekend - I often come away feeling unrested on Monday - its such a rush. I've also 'fallen off the wagon' with regard to the Bible reading plan, so, for a while atleast, I will blog-lite...although I will continue to check in on my favourite blogs and keep their hit-rates sky-high.
Back next week.
And if Rodney reads this - I'll see you on Saturday.
Catch you Saturday. :)
By Rodney Olsen, at 11/05/2004 6:13 am
Marisa, thanks, I'm definitely at risk of 'blog-addiction' - and need to / will get some balance back. Guys, please growl at me if after a week or so, it looks as though I'm over-blogging again.
Any more than three posts per week.
By Lionfish, at 11/05/2004 8:15 pm
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