
Sunday, June 13, 2004

Faith: On Fast Food and Convenience

Some days later Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was a Jewess, and sending for Paul he let him let him talk to him about Faith in Christ Jesus. But when the discourse turned to questions of morals, self-control and the coming judgment, Felix became alarmed (afraid) and exclaimed; “That will do for the present; when I find it convenient I will send for you again”. Acts 24:25

I keep thinking that I have been conditioned for ‘convenience’. By definition convenience is usually related to ‘ease’ and ‘comfort’. In my quest for convenience, I defer to short cuts that will make life that much easier e.g. grab fast food rather than to cook at home…but of course there is obviously a premium that must be paid for convenience. In the fast food example it usually a price premium and health that is compromised.

In matters of faith ultimately we have three choices: 1) accept the whole ‘faith package’ (ie. Grace + Truth) 2) reject the whole ‘faith package’ or 3) compromise and accept a ‘more convenient’ faith package’ (‘Grace’ without ‘Truth’).

When we choose the third, we will always ignore (put-aside) those things and lifestyle issues that are difficult to deal with. In fact many issues are fast becoming ‘sacred cows’ - and consequently it is easier to think of them as being ‘acceptable’ rather than to deal with them as we should.


  • Absolutely! Its the real struggle of this period of history. No persecution means we can walk an easy line and at times I think we live with convenience and are totally oblivious to it - not that I woul want a dose of martydom, but it sure would sort the sheep from the goats

    Great post LF

    By Blogger backyardmissionary, at 6/13/2004 10:48 am  

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