
Thursday, September 30, 2004

U2 Beautiful Day, Grace & Karma

Need to take a break from crunching numbers...

I grew up with U2 - they were really big in my final year - and like their music despite only having one of their albums. They are getting alot of airplay in the blogosphere - particularly with their Christian innuendo's.

I rember reading in "Christianity Today" alot of debate in the letters as to 'are they or aren't they' Christian. Perosnlly I just like the 'grittiness' of their faith-style.

Anyway, if you're lucky enough to have cable here is their video of Beautiful Day.

"Grace overpowers karma. Grace rewards where rewards are not justified."
-Bono, 2000 (Nabbed from Accidental Academic)

Proverbs Ch 2:10-15

"10When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, 11Discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you, 12To deliver you from the way of evil, From the man who speaks perverse things, 13From those who leave the paths of uprightness; To walk in the ways of darkness; 14Who rejoice in doing evil, And delight in the perversity of the wicked; 15Whose ways are crooked, And who are devious in their paths;" - KJV

Today’s take-out: Just for fun…

When wisdom becomes part of being and your very life – it is as if radiation has changed your DNA…you have become like the superhero Spiderman – bitten by the radioactive spider…you will have new capabilities… enhanced powers of understanding and judgment.

You will be a good judge of character; and you will make the right friends and associates. You will have increased strength and ability to make the right choices and not follow those who will lead you into harms way.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The States in Autumn

Just got some good news from my Aunt in the States...she is coming back to Australia as her husband has a work transfer. Its great because they are in their 50's - and dont have kids - and have been a big part of our lives. Also my Grandpa's health is ailing so she wants to be back to help family.

Well it looks like our place to stay has gone...we cant afford to go again anyway with the family. But I'll just have to reminisce with photo's from our trip a couple of years ago.

The photo of the Cross below at the World Trade Centre after the 2001 attacksis a poignant reminder of how fragile we really are.

Cross @ WTC Posted by Hello

Proverbs Ch2:6-9

"6For the Lord gives skilful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.7He hides away sound and godly Wisdom and stores it for the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with Him); He is a shield to those who walk uprightly and in integrity,8That He may guard the paths of justice; yes, He preserves the way of His saints.(1) 9Then you will understand righteousness, justice, and fair dealing [in every area and relation]; yes, you will understand every good path". -AMP

My thoughts:

1) There is an obvious irony between the fact that Wisdom is abundant – and there for the picking by anyone “who bothers to look” and the fact that it requires diligence and great effort to find.

2) God, the source and originator of Wisdom has designed it that way…(Prov Ch 1:v 1 it is designed to br collared with justice, and judgment, and equity). In other words it is to be used for good – not for self-service or to meet corrupt ends.

3) I hope I don’t sound esoteric – but it appears that God desires to guard Wisdom from mis-use…–like the legend of “King Arthurs Sword” or the Hobbit was the ring Bearer in LOR – only released to, and guarded by the right people…in this case people who fear God.

Sound’s like a bit of an epic adventure...

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Ocean Stuff: Open Water

Took my 6yo and two nephews to see Shark Tale on Sunday. Not as good as 'Nemo' - but great fun none the less...

'Open Water' is one movie that I will see AFTER summer and when my Dive gear has been hung up to dry.

It is expected to do exactly what 'Jaws' did to the Dive Industry in the '70's..."Eat it alive!"

BBC Review here.

Proverbs Ch 2:1-5

1 My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; 2 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; 3 Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; 4 If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; 5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD,
and find the knowledge of God
My take-out:

The passage is all about how to get Wisdom. It appears that if you really want Wisdom you need to position yourself for it. It's seems like ther is an element of being cheeky, or assertive in the pursuit of wisdom. In a nutshell 'one has to be pro-active':

1 Want it (desire it) above all else
2 Listen out for it…be alert and attentive, listen to what others are saying (look for wise mentors - dont ask their permission or wait to be invited - observe what they do, listen to what they say). Most importantly Listen to what God is saying...
2 Make it a priority – Make priority time to search for it.
3 Be assertive – actively and earnestly ask for it – ‘Those who ask shall receive"..
4 Like surfing, position yourself for the wave – go out of your way to get it…don’t sit back - it wont come to you. Like silver - it is very difficult to smelt or extract have to put in the 'hard yards' to get it.
5 When you truly have taken time to do these things you will obtain proper perspective and see where you stand in the scheme of things relative to God an d grasp the magnitude and splendour of his ways, works and wisdom.

Proverbs Ch 1:29-33

Comin some thoughts on this - too heavy for today.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Proverbs Ch1:20-28

I tend to write to think and learn as I’m not intelligent enough to just read and absorb information. But doing this over the last week or so is giving me a deeper look at the Proverbs. Today I read a great book to my son on Wisdom – called ‘A Mouse in Solomon’s House’ and studying this is giving me fresh perspective to explain things in a kiddie type of way.

Tonight’s thoughts:

20 Wisdom cries aloud in the street; in the markets she raises her voice; 21 on the top of the walls she cries out; at the entrance of the city gates she speaks". -RSV
Wisdom sticks out like (excuse the expression) ‘dogs balls’. Like Henri Matisse’s Flowers for the picking – opportunity is everywhere – ‘for those who bother to look’. It is as abundant as dirt – we are without excuse.

22 "How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge? 23 Give heed to my reproof; behold, I will pour out my thoughts to you; I will make my words known to you.

Fools don’t bother to look for wisdom. They are too happy in their ignorance. (We all are to varying degree’s). Consequently, because they don’t learn –they don’t grow…the following verses outline the consequences of choosing to remain ignorant.

24 Because I have called and you refused to listen, have stretched out my hand and no one has heeded, 25 and you have ignored all my counsel and would have none of my reproof, 26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when panic strikes you, 27 when panic strikes you like a storm, and your calamity comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you. 28 Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently but will not find me.

Interestingly, it is as if Wisdom itself is speaking now. It does not appear as an aloof impersonal force – or a series of principles, laws or truths (I wonder why?).

Its appears to be showing a side – that says “don’t mess with me – or I’ll mess with you”. It mocks you if you don’t run with it. Mocking is a resisting force, something that tries to bring you down if you go against its principles. By definition 'mocking' is all about shattering your dreams. With Wisdom - there is no middle ground, and in the same tough and divisive language of both George W. Bush and Jesus:

“You’re either with me, or you’re against me…”

In other words “If you jump from a sky scraper – you will hit the ground hard and fast”,if you eat nothing but crap – you’re gonna get fat”, “if you don’t save for your retirement – your gonna end-up broke”,if you mess around on your spouse – your gonna destroy your marriage”.

It seems to be saying – “if you ignore me, I’ll chew you up and spit you out…don’t come crying to me – because you had your chance…there is no mercy here”…and most profoundly - ”Grace is not my job”.

I think Wisdom is showing us the ‘natural side’ to its character. Ruthless, hard nosed principles, laws and truths – that even Christians living under grace are subject to. "There's nothing personal here its just Business".
In fact in many ways this is a side of wisdom that is ‘ungraceful’. Here, favour is found only by merit.

I’m sure that Wisdom also has a ‘higher nature’ – one of applied Grace. (Yancey says that Grace is unnatural – so conversely I’m thinking Ungrace is perfectly natural). But in this ‘natural world’ and early on in the book of Proverbs we are taught the basics
Truly Wisdom is fear of God and his perfect and natural laws.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Proverbs Ch1:8-19

My take-out:

"8 My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not
the law of thy mother: 9 For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head,
and chains about thy neck. 10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.
11 If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for
the innocent without cause: 12 Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and
whole, as those that go down into the pit: 13 We shall find all precious
substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil: 14 Cast in thy lot among us; let
us all have one purse: 15 My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain
thy foot from their path: 16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed
blood. 17 Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird. 18 And they
lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives. 19 So are
the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the
owners thereof" - KJV

My take-out:

1) As God is the Creator and source of all wisdom –─God should be looked to, honoured and be (as John Maxwell points out) "the foundation for every decision".
2) Parents (particularly God fearing ones) are a good source of wisdom ─they have been around and “did not come down in the last shower”. If they say the “don’t touch – the pot is hot” then don’t touch. Listen intently to make sure you know what they are telling you before proceeding. Don't assume that you know. Yesterday I asked my son to get me a plate when cooking. He said “Yes” and came back with a bowl - the wrong outcome. He only partially listened. Honor your parents (and those more advanced in years), listen intently, make sure you fully (not partially) comprehend the instruction – and you will be benefitciary of the wisdom encapsulated in their words.
3) 10-19. It is unwise to put ambition before God and integrity. I work in a large corporate, and like most of this nature politics tends to be a blood sport. Often moves are made, games are played at the expense of others. For me I need to ensure that my words and behaviour are aligned to more closely with my professed core values and God.
4) Its great to be cunning and politically astute - but - ultimately there is no wisdom in placing ambition above integrity and dishonouring God....(Lord help me change where I need to).

Australian Idol and Talents

I don’t watch much TV, the let alone the “(un)reality programmes that plague our screens” ─ however, I admit to enjoying the finals of Australian Idol. My three favorites being Courtney, Hayley and the guy with the classically trained voice(?).

However, one thiong I do like this year is seeing a different side of Mark Holden (one of the three judges). Last year I had (mis)judged him as being a washed up ‘has been’ with a terribly low EQ. I now think he was 'trying too hard' to compete with “Dicko” to be the hard-nosed judge.

This series, I have been pleasantly surprised. He has shown his more sensitive, intense and knowledgeable side, a talent as a professional studio producer and one who has a heart for nurturing new talent. I know he was a mentor to Vanessa Amorosi. (I won’t mention David Hasselhoff).

Each of us has unique siftings and talents. Life should be less competitive and more collaborative. I’m thinking we all need to be less insecure, less critical of others and true to ourselves and our giftings Life should be about corporate growth and celebration of diversity and contribution.

As my boss said to me recently, when chatting about career directions - it needs to be all about ‘being the best that you can be’.

Newcastle Brown Ale #2

Had a fantastic meal last night, but got to bed rather late. We had some guests for the second night in a row, and we love them all to death, and they were really enjoying themselves...but it reached a point where the eyes are closing and the mind goes into crafty scheming mode in order to develop a pragmatic strategy to diplomatically get guests to leave gracefully.

On Friday night clearing up the dishes worked, but last night…
1) Going and sitting on couch by myself and falling asleep did not…
2) Pretending I was coming down with a flu only got sympathy and heartfelt good advice…
3) Going to bedroom and coming out in pyjama's' did not seem to work either…

I had to excuse myself and go to bed and let my wife finish the conversation….

You're terrible Lionfish!!...I know. J

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Proverbs Ch1:5,6

Let's see how long I can keep this up for eh! In the interest of brievity I'll try to summarise my thoughts to save me time and eliminate the 'fog factor':

"A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: 6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings". - KJV

My Thoughts:
1) An increase in learning drives growth in Wisdom
2) Clearly someone who is wise will recognises that growth in wisdom is a consequence of lifelong learning
3) Wisdom is found (earned/possessed) by making time to unearth the meaning (of the Truth, Principle) encapsulated in the proverb.

Oviously learning includes experience through application.

Newcastle Brown Ale

Its my wifes 30th tommorrow - so taking my 6yo to the markets to select fresh vegies, meat etc - kicking wife out of house and we are going to spend the afternoon doing the Jamie Oliver - cooking Beef Casserole in Newcastle Brown Ale, Dumplings, Home Baked Bread (for the gravy) and chocolate fondue for dessert...set the dining table properly...candles all 'round. That's the plan.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Proverbs Ch 1:3,4

3To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity; 4 To give subtlety (delicacy, refinement, tact) to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion (good
judgment, prudence)”.

3They can teach you how to live intelligently, and how to be honest, just and fair. 4They can make an inexperienced person how to be clever (sharp, skilful, cunning) and teach young men how to be resourceful (practical, capable, creative)” –Good News

I wasn’t going to blog tonight―too tired and busy day…as well as big day tomorrow, but can’t resist. (I’m such a bore…I know)…

Yesterdays intro into Proverbs appears to be describing the features of the book (“The What” ie. it will help you understand sayings with deep meanings)…today is all about ‘selling the benefits' – ie. The WIFM (Whats in it for me).

Obviously it does all about if you acquire wisdom you will grow and improve –you will become more astute… a simple person will become ‘street smart’. Funny, Calvin Coolidge “writes there are many educated derelicts”…so acquiring wisdom is more than getting knowledge - its about the application of that knowledge (something I remember from YWAM).

Three observations from the verses:

1) I like the KJV -– it appears to me that it implies that wisdom is designed to co-exist and to be executed with justice, and judgment, and equity. In other words it is to be used for good – not for self-service or to meet corrupt ends. I know many street smart people who lack integrity.

2) I also like the fact that while wisdom is linked with equity in the KJV, equity means fairness in the Good News. Applied wisdom and judgment are not there to redistribute wealth or resources - on the basis that everyone has the right to the same – rather the application of wisdom will see the equitable distribution of anything on the basis of ‘return for contribution’ – unless other factors come into play eg. Grace, Charity). Like Jack Welch writes he “rewards his team on performance” …buts lets see how these thoughts pan out as I progress…maybe its my sub-conscious right wing theology or something!

3) The thing I like is the best is that it promises to teach young men how to be “resourceful”. Funny several years ago, when interviewed to join the organization I’m working for my Boss asked me “how resourceful are you?”. He is himself a perceptive and resourceful guy – I plainly see the importance of resourcefulness in any area of life – to me its about getting the most out of any situation.

Anyway, that’s it for today.

Early Bed Tonight.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Proverbs Ch 1:1,2

Scriptures: Colossians Ch 1. Psalm 1. Proverbs 1v1,2.

I’m going to TRY and keep up with the reading program on Phil Bakers site which started today using “Lectio Divina”. While reading the rest - it looks as though we will move through Proverbs very slowly – so I want to focus on capturing my thoughts on “Proverbs” on this Blog… I’m also desperate for wisdom – knowing how much I lack it despite studying for so long….

“1 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel; 2 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding;” -KJV

“1The Proverbs of Solomon, son of David and King of Israel. 2 here are
proverbs that will help you recognize wisdom and good advice and understand
sayings with deep meanings”.-
Good News Bible.

Both the ‘Good News’ and ‘The Message’ get some beatings on a number of web sites for their sinister plot to bring Christianity into Mysticism. Funnily, as wary as I am of these things - I like the thoughts from the Good News version. (I don’t have a copy of The Message).

My key take-out of this is that Proverbs are presented in order to “know” wisdom in the KJV (know = understand’ have intimate relationship with; but also more importantly to ‘experience’). Interestingly, I have also always believed that a “Proverb is not a proverb until it’s lived” or experienced…”I have to learn the hard way…” (DC Talk).

Also the Good News presents it as “understand sayings with deep meanings”. This does sound a little esoteric, but the truth is “common sense is not all that common”. Wisdom in any translation has to be searched for…I read in Job recently that it has to be “mined like copper/diamonds etc”.

Whatever it’s “all about” its an introduction to wisdom – and a collection of ‘truths’ that should be mulled over and applied in order to experience and then truly know them.

Pray: I pray that I continue to study these Proverbs and apply them in my life. Give me clarity of understanding…also for my boys "to grow in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man”.

Live: I will be more brief next time…promise!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Life Stuff: On Goals

Funny, here I am, half way through life and asking myself what I want to really achieve in LIFE.

What does God want from me? I’ve got a “Vision” and a “Mission” and “Values” clearly stated on paper. It’s worked well – short term goals have been set and achieved. It seems terribly anal – but there are things I want to achieve before I leave this planet. But what is clearly missing is to set some tangible BHAG’s – Big Hairy Audacious Goals for myself. To link the now with the end state.

What about setting 7 x 5 year goals from here until I hit 70 odd? I know things change, more detail will be in earlier goals – but at least the end is defined and the direction is set.

I’m gonna take some time over my leave in a few weeks to think things through and draft some BHAG’s for all life areas – God stuff, Family (Husband & Father), Work, Christian Service, Finances, Recreation, Fitness, etc. I’m not a big "pray-er" either so I hope God will help me to determine my plans with his Blueprint for my life....

“If you’re bored with life, if you don’t get up each morning with a burning desire to do things―you don’t have enough goals”
-Lou Holtz, US Football Coach

Lazy Spring Day Posted by Hello

Monday, September 20, 2004

Economics: Economic Rationality

"Our institutions and values are in jeopardy as the mores of the market pervade all social life in this country. Loyalty, honesty, courage, discipline, patriotism, and commitment to family are being crowded out by the goals and rules of economic rationality -- do whatever makes the most money."
-Author: Barry Schwartz


Economics: Fat Cows and Skinny Cows

BRW painted a common theme in several articles of its 19-25 August 2004 edition 'Australians have been on an unprecedented buying binge – in the future it wil have to end'.

The theme runs along the lines taht - Australia is over-reliant of its resources sector to drive the economy – especially exports to China…Savings are falling but assets are rising…we spend more than we earn…then we eat into our property gains to finance consumption…Eventually there will be no more equity to borrow…interest rates will rise…real disposable incomes will fall…retail growth is likely to fall back to zero…

Worrying stuff...

Even Michael Chaney predicts several years of grwoth driven by resource exports to China but goes on to state :

"Extending the Argentini model* to macro-economics...Of concern is Australia’s current account deficit and the level of debt in relation to Gross Domestic Product. "You just cant go on consuming and consuming forever"

Lets not ignore economic fundamentals as many did in the ".com" boom. I dont want to sound pessimistic but its sounds to me as if seven skinny cows may soon eat seven fat cows or something of the like.

(*The Argentini-model is all about living beyond your means. Spending without creating real value. Argentina’s economy fell over-time from having a top 10 standard of living to now being considered a relatively poor nation after its severe Financial Crisis in the 1990’s.)

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Project Management: Communication & Change Management

"We must become the change we want to see in the world".
Gandhi (1869-1948), India nationalist, spiritual leader.

This is more than work related...but thought that its insight would come in handy in a Project we are kicking-off.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Creation: Flowers, Thorns and Eden

A great Spring Saturday. After 6yo's swimming spent the day in the garden - weeding. My wife is a fantastic gardener - a natural green thumb, and we are emabraking on creating the garden for our house from scratch.

I came across a quote yesterday at work:

There are flowers everywhere, for those bothered to look"
-Henri Matisse

At ther risk of sounding a little strange for a guy - I have to say I really, really like flowers. Not because they seem to get me out of trouble with Mrs Lionfish for coming home a little late or forgetting to leave the car keys behind in my absence of mind. And I personally would not like to recieve them as a gift (a bottle of wine always does the trick, thankyou) - but I really think that they stand out as a signpost pointing to a Creator that posseses a Beautiful mind.

Wildflowers are my favourites. I remember making daisy chains with my natural mother when I was young. I now love the purple and white african daisies (deemed a weed in many states) that flower along the coastline during spring and then after summer.

Flowers often represent beauty, and love. Maybe they represent hope in the midst of harsh world.

Take the Rose - traditionally deemed the most beautiful of flowers - but it grows on the most thorny of stems. They say "a Rose would not be a Rose without its thorns". The Bible indicates that thorns are a post fall occurrence...

Ironically, Roses are the centre pieces of many gardens...I'm just thinking aloud, before bed and my thoughts meander but ...I wonder if consequently there were Roses in the Garden of Eden. And if there were - would they have possessed thorns and therefore be considered as beautiful as they are in this the fallen world.

We give Flowers are a Gifts. Maybe flowers are Gods gift purposely designed for a post-fall world symbolising of Love, Beauty and Hope ...amongst other things.

And will there be Roses in Heaven? Will they have thorns? Will they be considered as beautiful...will they need to be?

Bed Time...

Sea daisy - taken today...I'm not yet ready for a photograhp job with National Geographic - I know. Posted by Hello

Friday, September 17, 2004

Quote: On Thinking but not doing...

"An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain
cell it occupied."- Arnold Glasow

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Luther on the Catechism

"In the catechism, we have a very exact, direct, and short way to the whole Christian religion. For God himself gave the ten commandments, Christ himself penned and taught the Lord's Prayer, the Holy Ghost brought together the articles of faith"
-Martin Luther

Having being exposed to a mainstream Church when I was growing up, I never appreciated the strength, clarity and completeness of doctrine that was preached. We were given old looking little books - Catechisms - for confirmation that really held a wonderful distillation of core Christian beliefs.

Against the contents of the catechism which contain the 10 commandments and the core creeds Nicene, Apostolic etc. it becomes much easier to distinguish truth from error and also place a clear boundary between core and perpheral beliefs that should be regarded (or even celebrated) as part of the diversity of the whole Christian church (such as Creation etc).

Pity it took so long to realise this myself...but sometimes truth isnt truth until you've done the hard digging and discovered it for yourself. (I am also aware that mindless reciting or relying the catechisim in itself could lead to religiosity or dead works - but that is not its intention.)

The mainstream Churches really have given us so much. Schools, hospitals, Bible translations, missionary work, good doctrine...but I really wish that they would also learn not to compromise their core beliefs in order to become "relevant" - but also would change in those area's that should change (such as style of music, buildings, sermons, the Pastors outfit, service delivery model, liturgy ie. modernise) in order to connect with their congrgations and grow. I think then the sleeping giant would awaken.

I guess change is more diffficult in denominations with a long legacy of doing things in a particular way.

On Fear

Fear is noticing that there is a phone message on your voice mail from your wife screaming "Why did you take both sets of car keys with you this morning - I have an appointment..."

Guess I have to do something about this absent mindedness - or else there is a high probability that I will die suddenly.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Its 2:13 am - and I am up Blogging. Things on my mind, options to consider, choices too make. Why is it that sometimes the option that you feel so much peace with - is the most radical?

Monday, September 13, 2004

First Class Lives #3: The Primary School Teacher

I have to admire those people in the service professions...Nurses, Policeman, Ambo's and teachers.

All professionals - they are often paid less than 60% of the salary of a competent professional employee - yet in this world of upside down values they contribute much, much more.

She is unlikely to ever read this - but my son's year one primary teacher is one of the competent, positive influential people you could ever meet. With her preparation, deportment, people skills and professionalism she would not be out of place in the Board room of a large corporate...yet she invests her time and talents looking after a portfolio of resources that is effectively worth $tens-of-millions for little reward.

Due to her positive, edifying and gracious teaching style we have seen our son grow in so many ways this year- and of course we are so thankful for this. Thanks "Mrs D".

I am sure that these people who choose these careers - and put their heart and soul into it - and see it as a vocation and not a job are essentailly laying up "treasures in heaven"...someday soon "the last shall be first!".

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Season: Welcome Spring

It’s now well and truly Spring…

As I’ve got older I now appreciate each season for what it is though traditionally, I have loved Spring as my favorites season…warm sun, migrating whales, wildflowers, Ocean swells and crisp offshore winds. And the grass is still green…

I took a colleague from Switzerland who was working on our project 4WDing a couple of weeks ago in the sand dunes between Brighton and Yanchep. This is the panoramic view from one of the dunes looking out to sea 9dounle-click for a better view). Unfortunately, like in the song “Big Yellow Taxi” it will soon all be gone.

I’ve surfed and dived the reefs up around that area before – it’s a natural wonderland.

Its been over 12 months since I've had a break from work and looking forward to having 2 weeks over the school holidays off...

Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Music & Faith

From Cam' Beecks Accidental Academic Blog:

"Explain it to me 'cause I was brought up Catholic and it means f--- all to me.' We had a good three hour conversation about his religious philosophy, which is basically, 'Go to God, tell Him what all your flaws are and say, Can you work with me?' Which is completely different to the 'Don't drink, don't screw, don't take drugs and always go to church' bollocks you get taught in school".

-Nole Gallagher on a post-U2 gig conversation with Bono on Christainity From [Q/HM, March/April 2002]

Friday, September 10, 2004

Thought For the Day

"Life is unpredictable...Eat dessert first!"

-From the "Happy Girl's" white board at work.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

The Wisdom of Solomon in a Digital World

Recently I posted the following 'tongue-in-cheek' comment:

"I have seen that there is nothing new under the Sun..." - Ecclesiastes 1:14 - King Solomon obviously did not work in IT.

But to be truthful, the thought has been playing on my mind ever since.

If the Bible is to be taken literally then why would King Solomon in all of his wisdom say something that appears to be so obviously wrong?... Surely even Solomon saw technolgical advancement and invention in his lifetime. Surely there were new metalluurgical applications. Surely he learned new things in his legendary studies and observations of birds [the feathered variety that is! :) ].

By coincidence, this week I have become absorbed in a book about Bill Gates (Yeah, yeah...I know - "I wish")...

Interestingly Gates is renowed for his famous quote and promoting his belief that "IT changes absolutely everything". Yet in all of this he states that he does not believe that the (emerging) web lifestyle will generate changes in human nature or fundamental ways of life...rather he sees people following much the same interests but "in a better way".

I'm no Bible scholar, but when I read Ecclesiastes I read the melancholy mindset of a man who himself has brought about much change in his own lifetime...yet he makes this observation - "I have seen that there is nothing new under the Sun...".

Obviously, Solomon was lamenting about human nature and the fundamentals of life. Yes, we live in a society that is vastly different from Biblical times. But people still need to sleep, people still work for a living, people still fall in love, marry have children and pass away. People like both Solomon and Gates still achieve much. And people like Solomon and Gates (- by his own admission) - still make mistakes.

And people are still in need of God.

Internet, online shoping, movies on demand...I think - fundamentally speaking of course that "Nothing is new under the sun"...

Monday, September 06, 2004

Ocean Stuff:Scuba Diving

What can I say?


Project Management: Quotes

"The best way to predict the future is to create it"
-Peter F Drucker

Economic and Politics: Time to Make a Call

There is a saying “Politicians are like nappies – they both need to be changed regularly – and for the same reason”.

I don’t know if agree with that…maybe the "Devil you know” is more appropriate.

I’m a little jumpy with the economy at the moment. The US has scheduled 6 times .025% increases in interest rates. The Australian economy appears robust – but has been stimulated by hyperactive property growth which is now stagnating.

“Interest rates will probably rise again shortly after the election, but in response to consumer borrowing, not government profligacy”.The Economist.

So I’m looking at taking a hit and fixing my interest rates for 3 years. The Bank is a devious as ever. It will be $700 to move my loan from variable to a fixed rate and it will take 4-6 weeks to process – but I can pay an extra $450 now to cap the rate (in case it rises)….”make a call” they say.

My guess is that the federal government will not tolerate a pre-election rate rise – so I’m making a call and keeping the $450 in my wallet.

What ever the situation – unfortnuately it will be the coffee shops and a few other businesses that rely on luxury and the convenience spend and catch the stray dollars that will suffer as we tighten the purse strings trying to save yet another $100 per month.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Politics: Terrorsim It Doesnt Get Worse Than This

Ive just been looking at the photo's of the terrorist attack in the school in Russia. I keep thinking that our current response options are not going to work.

Around the world Terrorists are only getting more desperate and their targets are only getting softer. A target doesn't get any softer than a school. There is no excuse for hostage taking, blackmail and slaying of children. It has hit Russia hard. Sting now has his answer. The Russians do in fact love their children too.

But what is the answer to terrorism?

  • Negotiating and succumbing to terrorism does not work. Naturally it will only encourage terrorists.
  • Fighting terrorism with force appears not to be working. Naturally it only enflames the situation and spreads it to softer targets.

Maybe as Yancey stated the answer may only lie in a supernatural act - "Grace".

Sunday: Harry Potter and the Bible #3 (Final)

Today I watched “Harry Potter and the Philosophers’ Stone” with my 6yo−and I have to say that we both enjoyed the story.

I know as a kid that I would have enjoyed the tale – and would not have run off and joined a coven as a consequence, so too will I allow my son to enjoy the story (without spoiling it with a lecture).

With the Bible as my guide I remain uncomfortable with the credence Harry Potter places upon studying witchcraft and sorcery – so now having seen the first movie I would still suggest it needs to be handled with care because of the overt Occult themes.

Our approach will be to allow our kids to be exposed to secular childhood stories (within reason) but will continue to teach them Christian Truths to allow them to compare it to the Occult.

Seeing how easily my sister has been drawn into the deception of the ‘noble’ doctrines of Anthroposophy, I will be teaching my own kids about the Occult and the teachings of the sects and why they don’t measure up the Truth that is the Gospel – in a timeframe that is relevant to their lives.

So for now, we’ll let our kids see Harry Potter for fun under responsible supervision without having an unsettled conscience.

News: Where's Osama Bin Hidin'

Ninemsn is reporting that the US believes it is very close to capturing the elusive Osama Bin Laden.

Funny, not so long ago the Iranian news was reporting that he had already been captured and that the news would be announced close to the US election.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Parenting: It's in the Can

Got a call from a mate today - offshore and a neat prestorm ground swell but had to decline - coz I'm Dad. This is not a whinge by any means just a life observation. Look after the Baby, swimming lessons, birthday party all cut into the day.

Its Fathers Day tommorrow - hope I can get some Dad time, before Church then a Family lunch.

Anyway, when its all said a done, being a Dad with small kids is the best time in my life. It must just get better. Can't wait for the boys to come surfing and diving and mountain bike riding...

Atleast I got to watch the footy. Best game I've seen in a long time - except for the damned result (sour grapes from a Melbourne supporter).

The 6yo is now bouncing off the walls - he drank coke at a birthday off to release some of that energy by kicking the footy with him.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Ocean Stuff: Volcanoes of the Deep

"There is something down there- And it is not us!"
-The Abyss
I've alwasy been attracted to the Ocean. Even before we 'migrated' from Melbourne, I remember as a kid of about five seeing a picture of a Scuba Diver on a box in a store - and knowing that is something that I will o when I "grew up".
At the age of 10 I started to skin dive with friends and remember noticing that it like enetering a different dimension or another world as soon as my head was placed under water.
I got my Scuba ticket in Dampier as soon as I left home - and plan to get my Advanced certification soon which will allow me to (legally) access depths greater than 30m.
I have just come across a new IMAX film which is due out soon which I plan to take my son to see called Volcanoes of the Deep and has got great reviews in 'Scuba Diver' magazine.
Exploring the deepest reaches of this magnificent planet has to be one of the most exciting challenges facing man. It is intriguing that it is only during the last 100 years have we had the technology to see possibly the most beautiful parts of creation.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Parenting: Dr Phil on Saying No!

I watched Dr Phil on Monday for the first time, which my wife loves. I often get a call at work at lunch time with a not so consise precis of what the show was about. Apparently he like me has two boys six years apart and takes them both Scuba Diving - what can I say but...the man has made it!

Anyway the show was on spoiled kids - kids that had their parents go into debt to buy cars etc. One 11 year old was insisting that her family buy a private jet! All were influenced by the media and role models like Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton. They think that they are entiled to the same life-style.

Its so easy to get into a cycle of buying kids what they want...even if it is lollies everytime you go to the shop. But as Dr Phil points out the fualt lies with the parents.

When when a kids keeps pressuring a parent to buy things a parent has to learn not just to say "No!" - but "HELL NO !!!""...

I think the man has a point.

Music: Favourite Albums of All Time #2

How could I forget Joshua Kadison's "Painted Desert Serenade" with "Beautiful in my Eyes"...its was out at the same time I got married...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Music: Favourite Albums of All Time

I am a severe Melancholy - so hence the blogging which I find carthartic.

Melancholies are supposed to be talented and into art, writing and music and stuff- but I'm not...well I can draw Ok caricatures of dopey people but I'm not allowed to sing as I am the most tone deaf person the world has known - according to my wife. (Well she has an absolutley beautiful voice but does not use it...which is worse?)

Well I have settled with the fact that I just have to listen to and appreciate music and books and things. It made me think if I had to survive with my 10 favourite CD's on a deserted island what would I take:


  • Chris Rea - "Shamrock Diaries" Circa 86 - I Discovered Blues Rock.
  • Chris de Burgh - "The Getaway" - Freedom and Surfing with the boys out of high school.
  • John Cougar - "Scarecrow" - Got my first drum kit - had garage band.
  • Van Morrison - "Moondance" - Independence!!! - sent to Karratha to work...toyed with alcohol in a big way and experimented with spirituality. Almost lost job for surfing during a Cyclone and told by Bank Manager he did not want to send me back to my parents in a body bag.
  • Chris deBurgh - "The Power of Ten" - Bought first unit aged 23. Lived alone.
  • Chris Rea - "On the Beach" More contemplative. Broke from peer group - made own decisions.
  • Dido - "Dido" Married with one kid.
  • David Gray - "White Ladder" Wife finished Uni - joint incomes end of trying to get ahead financially...for a short while!
  • Eva Cassidy - "Song Bird" - First trip to the States - first heard her on Harlem Gospel bus tour in New York. Thought she was black!
  • Sarah McLachlan - "Afterglow" - Just built house after 5 years of planning - birth of second kid. End of dual incomes and getting ahead financially.

All albums have marked key milestones in my life.