Thou Shalt Not Steal
Unfortuantely somebody broke into our house last night while we were sleeping and stole my briefcase (which had my Bible in it), my wallet, my wife's purse and lap-top computer.
All Bank cards have been cancelled and the glass window will be fixed today. The worst of it is that the laptop had numerous family photographs on the hard-drive that were not backed-up yet. Those of particular sentimental value of my kids, and bringing my son back from hospital etc.
Anyhow, on a positive side - we were all asleep when it happened, I did not wake to have a confrontation and thankfully my 6 year old son who sleeps at the rear of the house was not disturbed and was kept safe.
Priorities. People. Safety. Not Things.
...And by the way let me know if "out of character" comments appear from Lionfish on your Blogs as the laptop has all my personal settings, auto-fill etc saved on to it.
I've never suffered a break-in so I can only imagine how awful it must be.
How's the rest of the family coping with the intrusion?
By Rodney Olsen, at 11/17/2004 1:08 pm
Everyone is fine, Thanks Rodney. Much worse things can happen. Its just the inconvenience of organising the paperwork - new Drivers Licenses, cards, insurance etc.
By Lionfish, at 11/17/2004 4:48 pm
...And I hope they read my Bible :-) "All things work for good for those who love God"...might be a miracle in disguise!
By Lionfish, at 11/17/2004 4:50 pm
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